We provide one-on-one and small group tutoring for adults in the following areas:
Basic reading, writing, and numeracy skills
English Language Learners (ELL)
Computer skills
Financial literacy
Workplace literacy
Citizenship preparation
We partner with Just Neighbors who offer low-cost, family-based immigration legal services.
A dedicated team of qualified volunteer tutors assists adults in building their literacy skills to be better prepared for today’s job market, to get a promotion, and to be more engaged in the community. We provide services to residents of the City of Winchester, Frederick County, and Clarke County.
We have recently added a family literacy in the community component and are the lead organization for The Winchester Campaign for Grade-Level Reading, a collaborative effort by foundations, nonprofit partners, business leaders, government agencies, states, and communities across the nation to ensure that more children in low-income families succeed in school and graduate prepared for college, a career, and active citizenship. In addition, we are the managing partner in the Winchester Little Libraries, which are community libraries placed all over the city of Winchester in community spaces where anyone can find a book to read or leave a book to share with others. Finally, we are the local affiliate for The Dolly Parton Imagination Library for the City of Winchester and the Counties of Clarke and Frederick. This program mails all children in the service area who have registered for the program a book every month from the day they are born, until their fifth birthday.